
Hey y'all! Here are some more pix of me and my friends and family. Well, my friends will be on here later, as soon as I get their pictures..... Especially my guy Shane. He is the one that helped me do this entire page, because I have no freaking clue how you do this HTML stuff. He is awesome, and has the cutest little accent. He is from Canada! I can't wait for him to come and stay with us this summer! It's going to be awesome! My page will be even better hopefully, thanks to him!!! I LOVE YA SHANE!!!

Hummm, most important! This is my chair. It has a number 76 on it, thats the year it was made. Its older than I am, but I love it soooooooooooooooo much!! It fits my butt perfectly, I hate it whenever anyone else sits in it, that's what i keep another chair in here for them. It's this old nasty brown colored wood, but I love this chair, I think I will take it with me to college....I will cry if it ever breaks, maybe even have a little funeral, and invite all the other dinig room and living room chairs and stuff....I'm tearing up just thinking about it...Well that's the story of my chair. I think that i will name it today, how about Rebel. It's not like all the other chairs!! I LOVE YOU REBEL!!!

Ok, the little boy in here is MATT. He is my 7 year old brother and a little shit if I ever did see one before. He is in second grade at Hutchins Elementary, and plays Baseball and Basketball. As soon as it's offered he is going to play Football, and maybe even soccer. We don't have hockey here, or he'd play that too!! Ummm, I am lovingly known to him and the rest of my family as SISSY, I'll answer to it if you call me that. It just comes naturally I think. I love being a big sister. There is no other job like it in the world!

This guy in the rocking chair, well thats my daddy JAMES. He is 43, and likes hunting, fishing, all that guy stuff. He takes me fishing sometimes, but I always make him take the fish off the line and bait it and all that stuff, because ewwww gross, I hate slimy stuff!! Sometimes, he gets jealous because I catch all the fish and he doesn't. I try and try to tell him, if you would just be nice to the fishies they would come to you. But NO!!!, you have to be all intimidating them and stuff. All they see is you standing up there on the pier with a tackle box full of fun just waiting for them!! Yeah baby, I think I'd want to get caught by my dad...yeah...sure...party over here whoop whoop!! Well, I always put the poor things back in the water, well he does cuz I won't touch them. My dad though, has to load the damn things up in that stinky ass cooler and bring them home with us. GROSS!!! Oh well, I still love him, and his stinky ass fishing habit!

This other lady is my mommy DIANE Im not telling you how old she is...hehe!! She works at Wharton County Junior College in Testing. She always knows the good juicy gossip around here. I love it! She likes shopping just like I do. I like her friends, they are bad ass! Especially her friend TRICIA! Girl is just too damn funny for her own good! Umm I love my mom a lot too, she buys me beer and stuff so that's good seeing as I am in Texas, and "we are all always drunk down here" quote-unquote hehehe!

Well, the rest of these pictures are of me. I know, there are a lot. I will try to change them up periodically, if I get the chance and can remember how to do this. Ok, well all the other info about me and stuff is on the other page!

Happy Viewing!!